Creative Pet Portraits in Arizona
Franklin Photography Studios

Creative Pet Portraits in Arizona

This Great Dane's special friend was a tiny little Yorkie. They were such a funny pair to see playing together. We wanted to create an image that would bring focus to their contrasting sizes in a safe and playful way. This image is a composite. Stella Rose was photographed first on the ladder with her mom standing close by and still having a hand on her, then we photographed the Great Dane by himself next to the ladder. By placing some treats on top we were able to capture him stretching toward the ladder as if to give the Yorkie a kiss or a sniff. I loved how the photo came out, and I would love to meet your pets and plan fun and whimsical scenarios for their photos.

FRANKLIN PHOTOGRAPHY • 10810 East Via Linda Suite 105 • Scottsdale, AZ 85259 • (480) 221-2851